Public Comment

Disabilities Assistance
Developmental Disabilities

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What you need to know

​​​​​Second Public Comment Period for Amendments to DD Waivers

Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. §441.304(f), the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is required to give public notice related to the state's plan to amend the 1915(c) Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Comprehensive Developmental Disabilities Services (NE.4154), the Developmental Disabilities Day Services Waiver for Adults (NE.0394), and the Family Support (NE 2366) waivers. The 30-day public comment period is from February 13, 2025 through March 15, 2025. 

Upon approval by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), these waiver amendments would go into effect July 1, 2025.


A hard copy of the waiver application can be requested via mail, email, or phone at (402) 471-9156. 


There will be virtual presentations of the proposed changes via Zoom. The same information will be presented each time.

​Additional Information - the Objective Assessment Process

DDD understands that there are questions about the objective assessment process. DDD held three presentations for stakeholders to learn more about the new interRAI assessment tool that the Division is adopting in the DD side of our work. This company offers many different assessments for various populations, and we already use two of the interRAI tools in our Aged & Disabled and Traumatic Brain Injury Waivers. 

Myers & Stauffer guided a conversation and review of the interRAI tools for DD during these stakeholder meetings. Eventually these will become the tools used by the Division to determine budgets, level of care and as a needs assessment. Adopting these new tools will assist us in our new approach to eliminating the DD Waitlist.

This information is also on the Eliminating the DD Waitlist webpage​.

Submitting Comments​​

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments to the Department. 

Public comments may be submitted:

  • ​To the designated email address DHHS.HCBSP​
  • Faxed to (402) 471-8792; or
  • Sent to DHHS – Division of Developmental Disabilities, 301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, NE 68509-5026.

Written comments must be postmarked or received by March 15, 2025.

Next Ste​​ps

After the public comment period, when submitted to the CMS, the HCBS waiver will include a summary of the public comments received during the public input process, and if any comments were not adopted, the reasons why. The summary will also specify any modifications made to the waiver as a result of the public input process.


First Public Comment Period for Amendments to CDD, DDAD, FSW, and AD Waivers

The 30-day public comment period was from January 13, 2025 through February 13, 2025. 


There were five virtual presentations of the proposed changes. The same information was presented each time.


Next Steps

Significant changes were made to the DD Waivers as a result of the public comment period. These changes will be out for a second public comment period. 

The AD Waiver is not included in the second public comment period. When submitted to the CMS, the AD Waiver will include a summary of the public comments received during the public input process, and if any comments were not adopted, the reasons why. The summary will also specify any modifications made to the waiver as a result of the public input process.

Past Public Comment Period for Amendments to DD Waivers

The 30-day public comment period was from September 11, 2024, through October 11, 2024. 



Approved Waivers

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved waiver amendments on December 19, 2024. The waivers went into effect January 1, 2025. ​