Person-centered planning is a process-oriented approach empowering people to plan their life, find their voice, and work toward reaching their goals.
The goal of person-center planning is to support participants to be the center of planning their supports and goals.
Person-centered planning is really ensuring that the plan is developed with the person, for the person and by the person and so it really is a different way of thinking of how we create services and supports for people based on what the participant wants and not what the system has to offer.
Tony Green, Facebook Live, April 2020
Resource for Participants
Nebraska's Person-Centered Planning Initiative
DHHS - Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is working to encourage Person-Centered Planning through multiple initiatives:
- Since 2020, DDD and the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities have worked together on a Person-Centered Planning initiative to reinvigorate person-centered supports through a series of webinars with Dr. Mark Friedman.
- As part of the 2022 DHHS Business Plan, DDD committed to developing training and supports for the use of the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework developed by the University of Missouri—Kansas City (UMKC) and the incorporation of CtLC principles and tools into the service planning process.
Life Experience Quick Guides
Each four-page Quick Guide contains a few questions from each life domain for that specific life stage. These can be used by anyone to work toward their vision for a good life.
Charting the LifeCourse
As a part of the 2022 DHHS Business Plan, DDD committed to implementing the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) framework to continue the Person-Centered Planning initiative, which began in 2020.
CtLC was developed as a tool for person-centered planning by the Institute for Human Development at the University of Missouri –Kansas City, a University Center for Excellence (UCEDD). It was created in partnership with many different national and statewide stakeholders. Since its development, it has been used in more than 18 states as a framework for supporting person-centered planning and decision-making.
- A statewide kick-off was held March 9, 2022 for more than 290 stakeholders across Nebraska. A recording of the meeting is on the PCP Resources page, along with presentation materials.
- DDD continues to provide training and resources to encourage the use of the CtLC framework.
Person-centered planning is used to create service plans for all Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers: the Aged and Disabled Waiver, Developmental Disabilities Waivers, and the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver.
PCP Champions: Dive into Charting the LifeCourse
DHHS has a monthly discussion on the first Tuesday of each month on Webex at 3:00 PM, CT, led by Amy Callendar-Taft, a Service Coordinator and CTLC Ambassador.
Anyone can attend, whether you struggle with CTLC or use the tools regularly. We want to engage participants, guardians, independent providers, and agency staff. We mainly talk about the three tools available in Therap: The Integrated Star, Life Domains, and Trajectory. We may also look at other tools in the Nexus library that you can use to plan your good life.
Sessions are open discussions about how CtLC tools work and any problems people have.
- We share ideas, show examples, talk about resources, problem solve, and explore the tools.
- We talk about how teams can use CtLC tools to create goals, supports, and improve the lives of those they were created for and by.
- We will discuss different community resources, habilitative ideas, technology, and relationships.
- Most importantly, we open essential dialog between participants, Service Coordinators, families, and providers about the value of CTLC tools when fully prepared and used.
Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 2484 319 0031
Meeting password: FQtsucjC343
Person-Centered Planning Training
Trainings provided tools to empower participants, their families, and guardians to expand their knowledge and acquire skills to participate effectively in developing self-directed, person-centered plans. Recordings are available on the PCP Resources page.
Person-centered planning training was provided free of charge.
Training was sponsored by the
Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Collaborators include:
Nebraska DHHS,
Statewide Independent Living Council,
League of Human Dignity,
Brain Injury Alliance,
People First of Nebraska,
The Arc of Nebraska,
Disability Rights Nebraska,
Munroe-Meyer Institute - UCEDD,
Nebraska Association of Service Providers (NASP),
Parent Training and Information (PTI) Nebraska,
Nebraska VR, and
Nebraska Brain Injury Advisory Council.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Attending training for person-centered planning will:
- Empower participants, guardians, and family members in decision making.
- Deepen communication between Service Coordinators and participants, guardians, and family members.
- Strengthen relationships between service providers and participants, guardians and family members.
DHHS hopes to increase the capacity and abilities of participants to advocate for themselves throughout their lives and determine their own services and supports.
To that end, DHHS has updated the Individual Supports Plan (ISP) to include Charting the LifeCourse tools.
Closed captioning is available on all sessions.
For PCP training in partnership with the Nebraska Council on DD, an experienced translator provided live audio Spanish translation for all webinars, as requested. Translation was based on input from Jessica Gutierrez, Bilingual-Parent resource coordinator at Munroe-Meyer Institute and on our Project Advisory Committee.
Translations for Charting the LifeCourse curriculum and resources are being developed. The CtLC website has the options for other languages. Charting the LifeCourse has a specific page of Spanish Resources.
This project was supported in part by grant funds provided to the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities through Grant #2001SCDDNE, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.