Cancer Registry

Diseases & Conditions
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​​​​The latest data from the Nebraska Cancer Registry show that over 10,545 invasive cancers were diagnosed among Nebraska residents during 2019. Cancer was also Nebraska's second leading cause of death in 2019, ranking after heart disease, and accounting for over 3,470 deaths among Nebraska residents.

According to the data collected by the registry in 2019, the 10 most frequently diagnosed invasive cancers in Nebraska were:

  • Prostate (1,540 Diagnoses)
  • Female breast (1,483 diagnoses)
  • Lung & bronchus (1,254 diagnoses) 
  • Colon & rectum (849 diagnoses)
  • Melanoma of the skin (645 diagnoses)
  • Urinary bladder (487 diagnoses)
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (437 diagnoses)
  • Kidney & renal pelvis (417 diagnoses)
  • Corpus Uteri (343 diagnoses)
  • Leukemia (321 diagnoses)

The Nebraska Cancer Registry was created by the Nebraska Unicameral in 1986 and began collecting data in 1987.  The purpose of the registry is to gather data that describe how many Nebraska residents are diagnosed with cancer, what types of cancer they have, how far the disease has spread at the time of diagnosis, what types of treatment they receive, and how long they survive after diagnosis. The Department of Health and Human Services uses these data to identify high-risk populations and monitor long-term disease trends. Also, it provides data upon request for research studies and public information. In recognition of the accuracy and completeness of the data that it has collected, the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries has awarded the Nebraska Cancer Registry its gold standard certificate of data quality for 25 consecutive years (1995-2019). The registry is supported with funds from the state's cigarette tax and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Much more of the latest data gathered by the Nebraska Cancer Registry are available in the report Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Nebraska: 2018. However, this report does not include all of the data collected by the registry.  To request data that are unavailable in the report, click on DHHS Data Request form - Aggregate data fillable, Instructions For Request For Data, Research Data Request, and the Confidentiality Agreement.

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We acknowledge the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for its support of the NE staff, and the printing and distribution of the monograph under cooper​​ative agreement DP22-2202 NU58DP007100 awarded to NE. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC.

​Contact Us

For General Information or to Request Data:

 Nebraska Cancer Registry
Mailing Address

Nebraska Cancer Registry

P.O. Box 95026

Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026

For Information on How to Report Data to the Cancer Registry:

 Nebraska Cancer Registry
Fax Number
(402) 742-1139
Mailing Address

Nebraska Cancer Registry

P.O. Box 95026

301 Centennial Mall South

Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026