CPSS Reinstatement Information and Application
Individuals with expired CPSS certifications have the option to request a reinstatement of their CPSS credential if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
- The expiration date of their CPSS certification is less than or equal to 24 months from the date of submitting the CPSS Reinstatement application; and
- The applicant must have completed the 20 Continuing Education Units (CEU's), with six of those hours being in ethics within the 24 months preceding the date of the CPSS Reinstatement application submission.
- For example: If a Peer's certification expired on September 1, 2021, they would have until September 1, 2023 to submit their reinstatement application. CEUs obtained between September 1, 2021 and September 1, 2023 would count towards the reinstatement process as long as they complete 20 CEUs with six of these CEU's being in the area of ethics.
Before beginning the online CPSS Reinstatement Application, please have the following supporting documentation available to upload to the secure website. If the online application is idle for more than 15 minutes, the application will time out and you need to start over.
Continuing Education
You need to upload all certificates of completion for the CEUs that you have completed. CEU requirements for CPSS include 20 hours, with six of those hours in ethics, and must have been completed within the 24 months preceding the date of the CPSS Reinstatement application submission.
To view the specific competencies within each domain, review the Peer Support Core Curriculum Guidelines.
- Engagement
- Support
- Lived Experience
- Personalize Peer Support
- Recovery Planning
- Resources, Services & Supports
- Health, Wellness & Recovery Skills
- Crisis Management
- Communication
- Collaboration & Teamwork
- Leadership & Advocacy
- Professional Growth & Development
- Ethics
Other Certification and License Information
If you hold or have held a peer support certification or OTHER professional certification or license you will need the name of the credential, date received, expiration date, and certification or license number if applicable. If disciplinary action was taken against any of the applicant's current or past certifications or licenses by Nebraska or another jurisdiction, the applicant must submit an official copy of the disciplinary action, including charges, sanctions, and disposition.
Conviction Information
All applicants who have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor on or after the date your last CPSS certification was issued, in Nebraska or another state, will be required to submit the information below. List the date of conviction(s), the county, and state in which the conviction occurred and the type of conviction(s):
- An explanation of the events leading to each conviction (what, when, where, and why).
- An explanation of the actions the applicant has taken to address the behaviors or actions related to the conviction(s).
- If the applicant is currently on probation, a letter from the applicant's probation officer addressing the terms and statuses of the probation.
- The proof of charge and disposition for any reportable misdemeanor or felony that occurred outside of the State of Nebraska on or after the date your last CPSS certification was issued.
Additional information may be requested upon initial review of your application.
Adult and Child Protective Services (APS/CPS) Portal Registry
Previously completed APS/CPS checks cannot be accepted. All applicants must complete a new APS/CPS check for CPSS reinstatement.
All applicants are required to complete the Adult and Child Protective Services (APS/CPS) Portal Registry prior to submitting the application and will need the confirmation number to list on the application. The applicant is responsible for the fees listed below.
NOTE: If you prefer to go directly to the APS/CPS Registry Office to complete this process, please do so PRIOR to starting this application as you will need the confirmation number to enter on this application before being able to submit the application for processing. You will also need to notify them that you are doing this for the CPSS Certification and sign any applicable release(s) so to release the records to the Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA).
The list of fees include:
- DHHS fee: $2.50
- Online Identify Verification fee: $1.00 (if applicable)
- Online Payment Processing fee: $1.50
All fees payable by Credit/Debit card or ACH/Electronic check
If you have any questions about this process, please contact the APS/CPS Registry Office directly at 402-471-9272.
CPSS REINSTATEMENT APPLICATION FEE: No application fee is charged by the State of Nebraska for reinstating the CPSS credential.
CPSS REINSTATEMENT EFFECTIVE DATES: Upon the successful reinstatement of the CPSS credential, the applicant will receive an email notification from the Office of Consumer Affairs on their CPSS Reinstatement status. All approved reinstatements can be found on the State of Nebraska License Information System Search where a copy of approved reinstatements can be printed. This Reinstatement card will list the effective date and the date of expiration. The CPSS Reinstatement will expire on September 1, in odd-numbered years.
NOTE: If an individual does not apply for reinstatement within 24 months of their certification expiring, the individual will need to complete the original CPSS certification process as outlined in Section II. REQUIREMENTS FOR CPSS CERTIFICATION including re-taking the CPSS Core Curriculum training and testing.