b2i Eligibility

Children and Family Services

What would you like to do?

What you need to know


Am I Eligible?

You are eligible if:

1. You are 19-21 years old


2. You meet one of the following: 

  • You aged out of foster care in an out-of-home placement
  • You were discharged into independent living from foster care
  • You entered into a guardianship or adoption agreement at age 16 or older

Read more about b2i Eligibility Requirements.

Staying in the Program

If you want to stay in the Bridge to Independence program and keep receiving its benefits, here's what you need to do:

  • Meet with your Independence Coordinator (IC) at least once a month
  • Be productive in ONE of these ways (unless medically unable):
    • Complete high school or earn your GED
    • Take classes (at least part-time) at a college or vocational education program
    • Work at least 80 hours per month (about 20 hours per week)
    • Volunteer, participate in an internship, work with a career center, or take part in another activity designed to help you get work in the future
  • Provide written verification to your IC every six months that you continue to meet the above program eligibility


Attend permanency review hearings once a year with your IC, a judge and anyone else you think should be there, and participate in Foster Care Review Office case reviews

If your situation changes while you're in the program, and you're no longer eligible, your IC will tell you and help you become eligible again. You'll have 30 days to get back on track. If you are dropped from the program, you can re-apply for the program and/or appeal the decision.

