Providers For Aged & Disabled (AD) Waiver and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver

Medicaid HCBS AD Waiver
Developmental Disabilities

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This page helps you provide important services to Medicaid HCBS AD and TBI Waiver participants. Resources can be used at any time as long as you are providing services. Be sure to also use the HCBS Provider Homepage, the Training page, and the Resources page.

You are also responsible to know information from MLTC Provider Bulletins​​​ and DDD Provider Bulletins​.

Transition to Therap

In 2025, AD and TBI waiver providers will transition to Therap for electronic claiming and receiving authorizations, outside of EVV requirements. Details about upcoming meetings and trainings will be announced by the end of February 2025. These will start mid-March 2025 and help prepare you for this transition. 

Timelines for Assisted Living electronic claiming may vary from other services.​

Provider Impact

  • ​New specific provider login to the for the AD and TBI waiver side of Therap (this is separate from existing DD waiver logins)
  • Paper claims will no longer be accepted after a designated date.
  • All Service Authorizations will be ended and reissued from Therap.
  • All claims will be submitted through Therap (except EVV)
    • Providers are still expected to utilize Therap for other functionality if they have a third party EVV solution.
    • Providers could choose Therap as their 3rd Party EVV vendor for waiver participants at no additional cost.

Provider Benefits

  • Access to Service Authorizations electronically.
  • Electronic claim submission.
  • Electronic Explanation of Payments.
  • Enhanced Share of Cost information for participants.
  • Secure Communication capabilities.
  • Available for providers to document information for waiver participants at no cost.

Connect with Therap

  • Use the following link to identify your contact for setting up a provider account. You will select your Therap Admin and receive guidelines for the next steps. This also identifies if you want more information on using Therap as your third-party EVV vendor.
  • Share provider contact for Therap Admin


  • Therap demonstration of functionality: March 5, 2025 at 11:00 AM, Central time.
  • The Kickoff meeting to further introduce changes on March 12, 2025 at 3:00 PM, Central time.
  • Future meetings will be typically scheduled on Wednesdays at 3:00 PM, Central time.

Information for AD and TBI Waiver Providers​​​

AD Waiver Workforce Stabilization

Critical Incident Management Process (CIMP) and Targeted Analysis

HCBS providers are required to complete incident reports in Therap. AD and TBI Waiver reporting begins in 2023. 

Reportable Incidents: Definitions and How to Respond - Training on the necessary actions when an incident occurs.

Targeted Analysis Introductory training regarding the process.

Incident Management Committee - Committee reviewing incidents and trends

Questions about the process can be submitted to

DDD Meetings with AD and TBI Providers - 2022

In 2022, DDD held informational sessions for all providers of AD and TBI Waiver services, as well as Service Coordination.  

December 6 - Medium Reportable Incidents, part 2

Continued discussion of the concepts and definitions of medium-level reportable incidents. Part 2 of 2.

November 29 - Medium Reportable Incidents, part 1

Introduced the concepts and definitions of medium-level reportable incidents in the Critical Incident Management Process being piloted. Part 1 of 2.

November 8 - High-Level Reportable Incidents

Introduced the concepts and definitions of high-level reportable incidents in the Critical Incident Management Process being piloted. Includes discussion of the pilot. 

October 25 - Incident Reporting

Introduced the Critical Incident Process for providers to learn about upcoming changes and expectations for AD and TBI waiver providers.

October 11 - Recognizing Health Status Change

Helped providers understand their role in recognizing health status changes needs. 

September 27 - Overview of General Event Reports (GERs)

Introduced and provided background on General Event Reports and a demonstration in Therap on how to enter a General Event Report.

September 6 - DDD and Liberty

  • Presentation video
  • Flyer: Understanding Incident Reporting - Provides background on federal Center for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) requirements driving innovation in DDD's incident reporting process. In 2018 The Office of Inspector General (OIG) completed a report and studies around the health and safety and civil rights for individuals in group homes. The health and safety and civil rights aspects of these reports are applicable for all individuals who need waiver funded services to reside safely in the community requirements.

July 14 - Partnership with Liberty Healthcare

Shared about projects underway and introduced upcoming changes, including enhanced incident reporting requirements for all waiver providers. 

  • Progress with Liberty Healthcare in planning and implementing changes that will help Nebraska move toward National Best Practices in quality with emphasis on the Health and Welfare of all waiver participants. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of our participants.
  • One outcome of the quality partnership includes educational material regarding specific topics that impacts the health and welfare of participants.
  • Presentation slides
  • Presentation video

April 13 - HCBS Changes

2024 Provider Meetings

DDD hosts quarterly meetings for providers of all HCBS Waivers. Information is on the HCBS Provider Homepage.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

The Federal 21st Century Cures Act includes a Medicaid requirement for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). EVV allows in-home care providers to check in and out electronically. 


  • Physical Exam Form - May be used for any HCBS participant's annual exam, but use is not required. 
  • Request for Fair Hearing - File an appeal when you do not agree with a decision about provider enrollment or payment made by DDD.​​​

HCBS Final Settings Rule Assessments 

​AD and TBI providers have an assessment completed by their Resource Development worker when they enroll as a new provider and during their annual review. AD and TBI providers may complete the heightened scrutiny worksheet as requested by DDD.

For more information on the plan for home and community-based services, visit the Final Settings Rule page.

Mortality Review

DDD partners with Liberty Healthcare, an independent quality improvement company. Liberty Healthcare is working with DDD to review operations and make recommendations for improvements to its systems and practices. For more information on mortality review:

Rate Study for AD Waiver, TBI Waiver, and PAS Services - updated Sept 2023

DHHS contracted with CBIZ Optumas and their subcontractor Myers and Stauffer, LC to complete a rate study for the Aged and Disabled Waiver and Personal Assistance Services in 2022. The goal was to establish a rate model for services provided to the aged and individuals with disabilities.

This rate study included opportunities for direct care providers and other stakeholders to provide feedback on the cost of doing business in delivering services. Services reviewed: 

  • Assisted Living
  • Adult Day Health
  • Personal Care
  • Respite Care
  • Chore
  • Companion
  • Extra Care for Children with Disabilities (sometimes called Disability-Related Childcare)
  • Home Again Service
  • Independence Skills Building
  • Transportation
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Personal Assistance Services (PAS) through the Medicaid State Plan


​​Final Recommendations - NEW Sept 2023
Recommendations are intended to help DHHS set future rates, and are subject to appropriates from the legislature and approval from federal partners.​

TBI Waiver - 2023 Update and Provider Enrollment

DDD held a meeting is to introduce changes to the TBI Waiver for providers, including updates to provider requirements and expectations.

Therap - the State-Mandated Single Case Management System

​Therap is used for many things, including incident reports and secure communication.