Concussion Recognition & Management
Module 2 Characteristics & Epidemiology

Facts & Myths

worried young athlete & kids wrestling in yard

Facts & Myths

female athlete with head pain & skateboarder falling

Select each tab on the left for more information.

Concussion ≠ Loss of Consciousness

dazed boy basketball player sitting on bench in locker room

Even if the trauma is not serious enough to result in a loss of consciousness (LOC), there can be cognitive, motor, and behavioral abnormalities.

Of the roughly 300,000 sports-related concussions per year treated in emergency rooms, only 8.9% involve loss of consciousness.

Not Just for Athletes

Concussions can happen to any active person, not just to athletes involved in formalized activity. Concussions can happen on the playground, in gym classes, on bike trails, in the home, or any place a person is engaged in physical activity.

kids wrestling in the yard

Not Just a Bell Ringer

cartoon carnival bell being rung with "NO" symbol over it

Because of the old bell ringer mindset (a perception that a person can “shake off” a head-jolting impact and play through or carry on with the activity), a concussion may go unreported and/or untreated. Slowly, the bell ringer mindset is becoming unacceptable. A concussion is never anything to be ignored. As a licensed health care professional, you can help advance this new line of thinking as you work with coaches, staff, parents or guardians, and other health care professionals.

A Concussion is a Concussion

At the end of the day, regardless of the force that caused it or the symptoms it produces, a concussion is a concussion. A concussion is an injury to the brain. It is never to be taken lightly.

skateboarder falling on the pavement

Mild? Moderate? Severe?

female athlete holding head in pain

A concussion is a brain injury. Telling a person he or she has a “mild” brain injury is comparable to telling a woman she is “mildly pregnant”. What you must bear in mind is that brain injuries are not created equal. Everyone responds differently. Treating a concussion is more important than grading it.

Module 2 Characteristics & Epidemiology