Concussion Recognition & Management
Module 4 Assessment


older black-white photo of football player after kicking the ball

The assessment of sports-related concussions has evolved considerably. In the past, the focus was on retrospective grading and the length of time to resolution of the injury. Now, licensed health care professionals should base their diagnosis and management decisions on an assessment that incorporates not only the subjective report of the patient but also the results of more objective tests and measures. It is important to remember that assessment is not a single test, but the integration of multiple sources of information.

The assessment is a field in development and continues to evolve. Gaps in our understanding still remain. But studies of real life athletes have opened vast new insights into the nature of concussions and more effective strategies for treatment, and as research expands, we’ll know more.

Assessment Progress

Mention of any specific health care facility or organization in the videos reflects an individual’s specific experience and is not intended as an endorsement from this site.

Testing is not concussion management, but it is one piece. Successful management and treatment of concussion rely on a thorough clinical assessment, which includes multiple factors. After initial diagnosis, the licensed health care professional can determine whether or not to send the patient on to experts for advanced testing appropriate to the case.

female doctor examines young girl in office, using plessor to tap knee
Module 4 Assessment